Primary School
At full completion of our facilities, we will have two classes for each year group in addition to the following:
- A library.
- Standard Laboratories’
- Music Theatre
- Home Economics Laboratory
- A 25 station computer suite linked to the internet.
- An hall.
- A play area.
- A large playing field.
- Generator
- Large expanse of land for future development
- School Farm
At the Primary section, each class teacher will be supported by a fully trained Teaching Assistant. In addition there may be other members of staff in your child’s class, for example we have additional support to help our children with reading. All our classes are of mixed ability and there will be times when your child will be taught with their whole class, in smaller groups and also individually.
We work closely with outside agencies to ensure that children with needs, and their parents in some cases, have access to specialist support and advice.
Our pupils achieve high standards in all areas of the curriculum. We are really proud of our results over the last five years as they reflect the continued effort of our children and the success we have had in raising standards. We want our children to reach their full potential and we are pleased to see that in many cases they outdo our expectations!
The Governing Body’s Curriculum Statement.
“The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring good quality education in the school. It aims to help children to work to the best of their abilities in a caring, friendly, happy and secure school, in full partnership with parents.”
“Within the guidelines of the National Curriculum, we offer your child a curriculum to suit his/her age and ability. At the Primary School level we teach the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic, because we believe these are the tools that your child will need in the world outside the school environment. In addition to these, we also include science, creative arts, ethics, environmental, social and physical education to the curriculum because we also believe in giving your child a broad, balanced and relevant education”.
At the Secondary school level we impart values and life skills in the course of teaching and learning to ensure that our children are equipped with required skills to survive in today’s technologically advanced world.
The Curriculum
Primary School:
The Primary school pupils follow the National Education Curriculum, which includes the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Study and I.C.T. Most of your child’s work in school will be practical, investigational and based on solving problems related to real situations.
However, each National Curriculum area has several essential skills that children will need to develop in order to progress. At The Premier Cornerstone School, these skills will be specifically taught as part of a continuous and planned programme of work in each Key Stage.
Secondary School
The Premier Cornerstone Academic has a holistic management system that comprises of 7 key departments; each of them targeting a specific area of our students’ education needs. The Premier Cornerstone‘s holistic and integrated education will serve as a nurturing waterway where students can acquire knowledge and skills for life in an increasingly competitive global environment. Below are summaries of each department: (1) English: |
Learners who are confident users of the English Language
To help our pupils develop an appreciation of the English Language and improve their proficiency of the English Language through various programmes and activities.
Key Programmes
- Reading Programme
- Speak Good English
- Mathematics:
Every student has the potential to do well at Mathematics.
The department aims to make the learning of Mathematics fun and applicable to real life as well as cultivate responsible and self-directed learners.
The department aims to
- Impart values and life skills in the course of teaching and learning
- Cater to the needs and learning styles of each student
- Use a variety of assessment modes to provide feedback on the students’ learning
- Provide opportunities for students to pursue Mathematics at a higher level
.Information Technology (IT):
To promote a culture of Teaching and Learning through collaboration programmes and effective use of all available media resources To establish The Premier Cornerstone Academy as an Outstanding Institution that provides excellent quality IT-infused education & service
i) Create Dynamic School IT Culture
Technology is pervasively used in all aspects of school life namely, in the areas of administration, teaching and learning as well as community building. All staff members in the school have a good understanding of evolving technologies and their impact that will lead to better planning and implementation of educational programmes as well as enhancement to administrative processes.
ii) Innovating through the use of IT
Staff and students recognise the strengths of technology and are able to tap on these strengths to engage in experimentation using technology for teaching and learning. Staff and students not only create new knowledge in the process of discovery but also generate innovative strategies and ideas on various uses of technology for effective teaching and learning.
Instructional Programme
The Computer Applications syllabus aims to prepare students to be technologically adept citizens, and to function and contribute effectively in an increasingly technologically-driven world. The syllabus emphasizes fundamental knowledge and skills, and includes the appreciation and use of several software application packages for word processing, computer drawing, multi-media presentations and internet applications.
(4) Sciences: Vision
Learning Science without Boundaries
- To make learning science ‘alive’ and ‘fun’
- To develop in students a passion for scientific knowledge and
- To cultivate independent and critical learners.
The Science Curriculum includes hands-on practical lessons, online lessons, intriguing demonstrations and cooperative learning activities to give students an in-depth and clear understanding of scientific concepts, to develop them into independent and passionate learners in the world of Science.
- Craft & Technology:
Creative and Talented individuals with a passion for Design and Culinary Arts.
To develop confident, creative and critical thinkers.
Programmes & Activities
The Craft & Technology (C&T) Department supports a holistic approach towards the education of our youths. The C&T curriculum is designed to promote the development of 21st Century Skills to equip them with life-ready competencies like creativity, innovation and analytical skills so as to better position our students to take advantage of opportunities in the globalised world. In addition to academic instructions, the curriculum also aims to develop the social-emotional learning competencies of every student through individual or group project work.
C&T subjects include Fine Art, Consumer Education (FCE) and Music. They are compulsory subjects offered at the junior secondary level. These subjects are offered as Elective subjects at the upper secondary levels to cater to the interest and aptitude of our students.
- Physical Education:
Every Student Embracing An Active And Healthy Lifestyle.
- Developing Active Students Guided By Values And Empowered With Knowledge And Skills.
Students will
- Acquire skills to participate in physical activities.
- Learn to maintain and improve their fitness levels through conditioning.
- Exhibit desirable values and social-emotional competencies.
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle and understand the benefits of an active lifestyle.
- Humanities:
To help our pupils develop a passion for the Humanities and to enable our pupils to attain quality academic grades
The department aims to inculcate a strong sense of appreciation for the Humanities in a technologically-driven world through effective teaching and learning strategies and equipping our pupils with the skills to become independent learners and practical problem solvers.
Our students will be able to possess a good grasp of content knowledge in the Humanities subjects and acquire and develop thinking skills of explaining, analysing, evaluating and making judgments on issues.
Through participating in Humanities Learning Journey, students develop a greater understanding and appreciation of their surroundings and history. As such, they possess confidence in the future of Nigeria and develop into good, useful citizens.
Humanities curriculum includes but not limited to:
- History : Source-Based Case Study & Structured Essay Questions
- Geography: Mapwork and Basic Techniques,
- Battlefield Tours and Geography Fieldtrips
- Civics
At the secondary level, it is advisable for parents to encourage their children to attend to all assignments and homeworks. Children should also be encouraged to have reading time table at home and once in a while, notebooks should be inspected by parents to ensure that they copied all notes as and when due.
Course difficulty
At the premier corner stone academy we Manage our time. Invest in a daily planner and keep one calendar for assignments, exams and family events.
Course duration
Following secondary education, courses are available to students who are interested in expanding their knowledge in a particular area. Such as Science, Arts and Commercial
Our Teachers
At stet aliquam nec, mei an dicam posidonium instructior. Id iracundia scriptorem disputando mea, omnes corpora ne sed.
Engr Bosoro Olalekan
Students need to be taught what we know, why we know it and what value it has to them if they are to retain this knowledge in later years
Mrs Christy Bosoro
School Administrator
All students should be exposed to some enquiry-based learning experiments. This is how scientists actually work’
Kelly Masterson
French, English, swedish
At stet aliquam nec, mei an dicam posidonium instructior. Id iracundia scriptorem disputando mea, omnes corpora ne sed.
Michael Wong
English, Korean, russian
At stet aliquam nec, mei an dicam posidonium instructior. Id iracundia scriptorem disputando mea, omnes corpora ne sed.
Our Story
To help our pupils develop a passion for the Humanities and to enable our pupils to attain quality academic grades
The department aims to inculcate a strong sense of appreciation for the Humanities in a technologically-driven world through effective teaching and learning strategies and equipping our pupils with the skills to become independent learners and practical problem solvers.
Our students will be able to possess a good grasp of content knowledge in the Humanities subjects and acquire and develop thinking skills of explaining, analysing, evaluating and making judgments on issues.
Through participating in Humanities Learning Journey, students develop a greater understanding and appreciation of their surroundings and history. As such, they possess confidence in the future of Nigeria and develop into good, useful citizens.
- Speak English more confidently.
- Have a deeper knowledge of the structure of English grammar.
- Better understand spoken English.
- Produce the target structures confidently and accurately.
School Science
school science must be engaging to encourage more students to choose to study it and because so many of the world’s pressing issues require an understanding of science. ‘We want people to trust science,’ he says. ‘We therefore need to equip school learners with the skills of criticality, persistence and rigour, so that they can learn for themselves, test all things and hold fast to that which is good